Tvtropes kerbal space program
Tvtropes kerbal space program

Contrast with Unwinnable by Design, in which the unwinnable state is intended by the developer. Even if the player has to work to create an unwinnable state, the important criteria are that the state wasn't meant to be there and it renders winning impossible. While many of these examples can be stumbled upon accidentally, others require such complicated or counterintuitive actions to trigger that it's highly unlikely most players would stumble upon them during normal gameplay. Please note that the "unintentional" aspect of this trope pertains to the developers, not the players. When cases like these occur, the game has become Unintentionally Unwinnable. They may happen because of some random glitch the developers never caught, or they may be unintended consequences of a design decision. Still, unwinnable situations do crop up in modern games, though generally not because the creators intended for them to be there. While unwinnable situations were once somewhat common (and intentional) in video games - particularly in older Adventure Game titles - today they're generally eschewed by all but the most mean-spirited games. It's still possible to play the game inasmuch as you can still control your character, but meaningful forward progress is no longer possible for whatever reason. One specific class of video-game glitches and/or design errors, however, is despised more than most: the ones that render the game impossible to win, thus forcing the player to start over from their last save, the beginning of the level, or even the beginning of the game. Bugs can take a variety of forms: some as mundane as causing slowdown, others as catastrophic as a system crash, and others simply being pretty hilarious.

tvtropes kerbal space program

As computer programs and video games have increased in size and complexity over the years, it's only natural that the number of bugs, glitches, and design errors has likewise increased.

Tvtropes kerbal space program